Things to do in your free time


You’re not really free in this busy life, but there’s certain moment you don’t want to work and want to replace them (your heavy works!) with something fun. Here are they:

  1. Drawing/doodling:
    Drawing is making your right brain work. In that way, this act will boost your creativity and imagination, things would be lacking during your working time. Also, what you achieve at the end (a cute cat, for example) can be used for decoration purpose. Two birds one stone.
  2. Travelling:
    The same place and the same people might be too “static” for your needs. That’s why you have to travel: meeting new people, visiting new places, taking pictures, eating new foods. Travelling will refresh your mind, also the image of a big world will make you feel so tiny, then urge to be better in your life.
  3. Blogging:
    Writing is always a good choice! Writing a blog cost you nothing (there are free platforms like or tumblr…). Also, writing is one of the most important skill in a human lifetime. Writing in your own blog also makes you feel easy (you write whatever you want), then you can destroy stress. You can see other bloggers! Whose brains are brilliant! You can always learn something new from them.
  4. Cleaning:
    Might be boring and make you “booooooooo”. But take a look at your place when you read this, neat workplace is always good. After the cleaning session, back to work is much easier.
  5. Meeting someone:
    “People, people, everybody people”
    Sitting at one place for too long can give you an illustion that you’re the king of the world, or else you are the worst on the earth. Go out and meet new friends, drink some coffee, or even finding old friend with a small handmade gift for them.
  6. Play an instrument:
    Just like a new language and drawing, music is good for your soul. It heals almost everything, it pours fresh ideas into your damn brain, and it makes you calm.

Mentioned above are some ideas that help you balance your life. Try them because life is short!

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