Category Archives: Life hacks

Đăng ký GitHub Copilot bằng email sinh viên

Nếu bạn là sinh viên khối ngành kỹ thuật, đặc biệt là công nghệ thông tin hay khoa học máy tính, thì sẽ không thể không biết đến GitHub. GitHub là một trang web cho phép quản lý và chia sẻ mã nguồn, nâng cao hiệu suất khi lập trình.

Hồi tháng 10 2021, GitHub ra mắt Copilot để hỗ trợ lập trình viên viết và debug code bằng AI.  Một tin tích cực cho các bạn sinh viên có email Edu là các bạn có thể sử dụng Copilot miễn phí.

Chỉ cần làm theo hướng dẫn ở trên là xong rồi. Mình học trường Bách Khoa TPHCM nên có đuôi email là GitHub tự động nhận diện được trường do trường cũng đã đăng ký xác thực với bên GitHub rồi. Sau đó, bạn chỉ cần chụp ảnh thẻ sinh viên gửi lên và đợi là xong.

Happy coding!

Lost Desktop icons after uninstalling Komorebi on Linux Mint

Komorebi is an application that enables animations for desktop wallpapers. When uninstall Komorebi, there is a possibility that desktop will become unresponsive: desklets are still displaying but no icons, right click doesn’t show anything. To fix it, run this code in Terminal:

gsettings set org.nemo.desktop show-desktop-icons true

Thing should be fine after this.

Things to do in your free time


You’re not really free in this busy life, but there’s certain moment you don’t want to work and want to replace them (your heavy works!) with something fun. Here are they:

  1. Drawing/doodling:
    Drawing is making your right brain work. In that way, this act will boost your creativity and imagination, things would be lacking during your working time. Also, what you achieve at the end (a cute cat, for example) can be used for decoration purpose. Two birds one stone. Continue reading Things to do in your free time

Don’t stop writing

Can’t believe I stopped writing for a while.

As a researcher and a curious person, I always want to learn something new and something that is innovative. That is to say, in my free time, I tend to find new courses, learning new techniques that I didn’t know before, and dunk myself into them. That sounds good at the beginning, when new things in life give you the excitement of exploring something fresh, let you have feeling that you’ve never experienced before.

So, what have I done in the last 4 years of academic world?

Continue reading Don’t stop writing

What I do when I work

This is not a savvy post about what people should do while working to boost up their productivity. This is what I often do, and that makes me feel guilty and productive at the same time.

1. Surfing internet:

Sure thing. If I don’t surf internet while I’m working, I lie. But they definitely give you some good effects on your day: lift up your stress, give you some lesson about handling your software and something similar. But to be honest, when you’re in a project, a serious project, forget this part.

Continue reading What I do when I work

Learn something new every day

Just discovered this trick this morning, the trick that will help you learn random things whenever you open your web browser.

What I’m talking about is Wikipedia Random Page:

Now that if you open that link, wikipedia will redirect you to a random article, and there is great possibility that the info is not yet in your knowledge system, then BOOM!, you learn something new.

This is one of the most efficient trick and very simple to do, because you’re surfing the internet everyday, so make it more profitable for your brain!